ACID ARAB DJ SET - Budapest Ritmo After / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2025
11.30 pm Vedat Akdag
1.30 am Acid Arab DJ set
3.30 am Adis Is OK
Acid Arab, a French-Algerian music collective formed in Paris, joined forces to create a synthesis of the distinctive sound of Arabic music and electronica. The group has become a fixture at major festivals and dance clubs, having performed in over fifty countries on four continents in recent years. In the musical world of Acid Arab, the traditional musical styles of Algeria, Lebanon, Egypt and Anatolia, among others, complement each other well. The group released its third album in early 2023, featuring African, Turkish and Syrian guest singers such as Cem Yıldız, Sofiane Saidi, Cheb Halim and Rachid Taha.
At Budapest Ritmo’s AFTER Party, Vedat Akdag, the popular Turkish DJ will be spinning the decks before and after the Parisians’ set.
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