Barabás Lőrinc és a Jazzical Trio / LISZT ÜNNEP 2024
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Last event date: Thursday, October 10 2024 8:00PM
Featuring: Lőrinc Barabás – trumpet
Members of the trio: Norbert Káel – piano, Péter Oláh – double bass, András ‘Pecek’ Lakatos – drums
Ferenc Liszt was one of the greatest improvisers of his time. The spontaneous flow of his musical ideas left its mark even on his most rigorously constructed compositions. Norbert Káel considers the mixing of different musical styles and expressions, the crossing of cultures, to be the most characteristic musical phenomenon of our time, and believes that the ability to improvise and express bold musical associations is important not only in the performance practice of jazz, but also in classical music. He finds it natural to be inspired by classical music, and the music of Liszt is particularly suited to testing the creativity of a performer. At this evening with Lőrinc Barabás, several of the songs will reflect on Liszt’s music, keeping the main themes and characters of the original compositions. ‘I am trying to recreate the feelings that the original piece evokes in me,’ said Norbert Káel.
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