Premier - Memoirs of a Geisha - Yvette Bozsik Company
Yvette Bozsik’s solo performance was inspired by Mineko Iwasaki, the protagonist of Memoirs of a Geisha. more
Yvette Bozsik’s solo performance was inspired by Mineko Iwasaki, the protagonist of Memoirs of a Geisha. more
The performance takes viewers into the lonely, secretive, and personal world of Women of Dance and Art, the memoir of an elderly dancer who always danced with her whole soul. Yvette Bozsik’s iconic partner, Tamás Vati, also features in the performance, which reveals the inner work of a dancer’s self-knowledge, rituals, inner vibrations, and secrets in the triple unity of body, soul, and spirit. Yvette Bozsik’s solo performance was inspired by the autobiography Geisha of Gion by Mineko Iwasaki, the protagonist of the world-famous book and film Memoirs of a Geisha. The performance takes viewers into the lonely, secretive, and personal world of Women of Dance and Art, the memoir of an elderly dancer who always danced with her whole soul.
The performance also uses ceremonial elements of Japanese theatre, recalling the worlds of Nō and Kabuki theatre. Yvette Bozsik’s new solo performance, which also features her iconic partner Tamás Vati, combines all these rituals, inner vibrations, and secrets, revealing the inner self-awareness of a dancer in the triple unity of body, soul, and spirit.
Performed by Yvette Bozsik, Tamás Vati
Music: Jean-Philippe Heritier
Set: Tamás Vati
Costumes: Yvette Bozsik
Lighting: József Pető
Directed and choreographed by Yvette Bozsik
The performance will be followed by an audience meeting.
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