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Chamber recital by Iveta Apkalna and Gábor Boldoczki

Chamber recital by Iveta Apkalna and Gábor Boldoczki

One of the most celebrated organists of our time, Latvia's Iveta Apkalna trained in England and Germany after studying in her homeland, and today her playing captivates audiences all over the world. As far as Gábor Boldoczki is concerned, it is sufficient to say that he is one of the top trumpet players on the planet: a universal artist.

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Last event date: Tuesday, May 07 2024 7:30PM

Chamber recital by Iveta Apkalna and Gábor Boldoczki

J. S. Bach-Dupré: ‘Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir', BWV 29 - organ transcription of cantata's first movement (Sinfonia)
Stanley Friedman: Solus - fanfare
Enescu: Legenda (transcription for trumpet and organ)
Sofia Gubaidulina: Hell und Dunkel
Péter Eötvös: Echo - Hungarian premiere
J. S. Bach: Passacaglia in C minor, BWV 582
Vivaldi: Andromeda Liberata (serenata), RV Anh. 117 - ‘Sovvente il sole' (aria; transcription for trumpet and organ)
Naji Hakim: Quatre Études-Caprices - No. 3 (Giocoso)
Naji Hakim: Sonata for Trumpet and Organ

What kind of instrument is the organ? Old? New? Serious? Fun? And what kind of music is it suited to? Baroque? Or perhaps modern works? And what is it really? A keyboard instrument or a member of the wind family? After all, it does have keys - but it has pipes too! And how does it behave when paired with a pure-blooded wind instrument, the metallic-sounding trumpet? We will all get the answers to these questions at this exciting joint recital by one of the most original and inventive organists of our time, Iveta Apkalna, and our own homegrown trumpet megastar Gábor Boldoczki.

One can safely say without fear of exaggeration that Müpa Budapest's organ concerts opened a new era in the history of organ playing in Hungary. In the past, many people might have thought organ works excessively serious and abstract: pieces written by Baroque music teachers in wigs and meant to be listened to while cradling your head in your hands. At Müpa Budapest's organ concerts, however, it became clear that the organ literature is full of discovery, colour, playfulness, and excitement - not to the mention the fact that the organ is also suitable for modern music, indeed for all kinds of music! Joining the organ at several points this evening will be the trumpet, creating an exciting partnership. Nevertheless, we will also hear both instruments played solo, and the list of composers is a highly diverse one, ranging from Vivaldi and Bach to the 20th- and 21st-century music of George Enescu, Stanley Friedman, Sofia Gubaidulina, Naji Hakim and Péter Eötvös. One of the most celebrated organists of our time, Latvia's Iveta Apkalna trained in England and Germany after studying in her homeland, and today her playing captivates audiences all over the world. As far as Gábor Boldoczki is concerned, it is sufficient to say that he is one of the top trumpet players on the planet: a universal artist, for whom composers like Krzysztof Penderecki and Fazıl Say have composed works.

The concert will be preceded from 6.30 pm by an introductory presentation entitled Prologue. For more information, please consult the Müpa Budapest website in the weeks leading up to the concert.

organ: Iveta Apkalna
trumpet: Gábor Boldoczki

Presented by: Müpa Budapest

Our offer

A vendégek: befutott, sármos, negyvenes férfiak. A házigazda: Lady Rosemary, akibe egyetemistaként reménytelenül szerelmesek voltak. De feltámad a remény most, a legszebb férfikorban. Húsz éve várt egyéjszakás kaland az oxfordi kollégisták találkozóján. Hét férfi és egy nő – mindenki egyért, egy mindenki ellen.

Egy letűnt korszak lenyomata, amely ma is érvényes tükröt tart elénk: hőseink áldozatok, megváltást keresők, megbocsátásra képtelen tévelygők, szerelemre vágyók, összeesküvők és megalkuvók. De mindegyikükben ott él a remény a szellem és lélek felemelkedésében.

Megújult műsorral, új fellépőkkel térnek vissza az Illúzió Mesterei Kecskemétre!

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