Broadway Jegyiroda
1075 Bp. Károly krt. 21.
Tel: 06 1 780-07-80 Nyitva: H-P: 10-18




4 900 Ft

Aktuális előadások

What is Europe actually:  a geographic border, a cultural identity, a coalition of states? For most of us, it’s an idea too theoretical. Renowned theatrical company Rimini Protokoll literally brings home this abstract idea of Europe in the immediacy of the living room of private apartments. Big ideas are rarely presented so intimately as in the Home Visit Europe performance. How much Europe do you have in you? Become part of interweaving personal stories and the political mechanisms of Europe and find out.

The programme is part of the Budapest Spring Festival, in cooperation with the Placcc Festival with the support of the Goethe-Institute.

1. May 19:00 - in English
4. May 15:00 - in English


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