Hommage a Jeszenszky Endre / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2025
Concept: FrenÁk
This show pays tribute to Endre Jeszenszky (1925–2008), the eminent artist and dance educator, who was born 100 years ago. His knowledge of human nature, his humanity, learning and brilliant pedagogy made him an epoch-making, hugely sympathetic maestro, who modernized the technique of ballet on the strength of his own experience and helped generations of students to think independently and fulfil their artistic potential. This Gesamtkunstwerk of a gala reflects on Jeszenszky’s philosophy as it presents a wide variety of literature, music, opera, circus, classical and modern dance. The production also seeks to evoke the figure of the dancer through personal memories, helping today’s audiences to appreciate the significance of Jeszenszky and what made him a seminal figure in the art of movement.
Please be advised that strobe lights are used during this performance.
This performance of the Bartók Spring is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with the National Dance Theatre.
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